Summer & Fall Fishing

Starting in late June our first Summer Steelhead arrive and Pink Salmon arrive in mid July. Dolly Varden, Sea-Run Cutthroat & Rainbows can all be found around Vancouver Island. We can specifically target these fish but also encounter them while fishing for Salmon & steelhead.



Pink Salmon are the first to arrive in mid July. We start targeting these fish on our ocean beaches. Schools of them can be found cruising near the shoreline and are highly aggressive to a stripped fly! They are easy targets and great fighters averaging 4 pounds. They are also great fun in our rivers when they first arrive and are still chrome. Our Coho salmon (silvers) can be found from Aug - Nov and can be fished the same as the pinks in both the Ocean & river. They are 8 pounds on average, very acrobatic and a real challenge to land. On occassions we also target Chum and King salmon when suitable. These fish are more than a hand full when hooked.


Starting in late June our first Summer Steelhead arrive. These fish typically like to travel into the upper reaches and tributaries of our watersheds. The Vancouver Island fly-fishing locations are mostly pristine gin-clear waters with pools & runs one dreams about. This perfect fly-water is great for casting & dead-drifting large dry-flies into. When one of these chrome wild fish come to your fly hold on! This fly-fishery is without a doubt one of the best in the world!


Dolly Varden, Sea-Run Cutthroat & Rainbows can all be found around Vancouver Island. We can specifically target these fish but also encounter them while fishing for Salmon & steelhead. Our most unique trout fishery is targeting Sea-Run Cutthroat on our ocean beaches.